C1C Year in Review – A Look Back at Our 2019 Posts!

It is that time of the year where new resolutions and goals are being made for the new year. It is also a time of reflection and to take stock of what we have learned from the previous year. At C1C, we had a busy and mission-filled year full of learning, growing, and development. Take a peak back at our 2019 blog posts to see some of the many insights we had this year.

It is that time of the year where new resolutions and goals are being made for the new year. It is also a time of reflection and to take stock of what we have learned from the previous year.

  1. January: C1C Year in Review – A look back at our 2018 posts!

    In 2018, we covered a wide range of topics from survey creation, distribution, and fatigue to common HR misperceptions to managing conflict in the workplace and many more.

  2. February: Program Evaluation: Why is it important and when is it needed?

    Program evaluation is a systematic process of data collection and analysis intended to assess the design, implementation, or impact of a program, project, or policy. Check out our post with five questions that program evaluation can answer.

  3. March: Spring Cleaning: Time to Tidy Your Data, Processes, and Vision

    Spring is right around the corner! Now that you’re done Marie Kondo’ing your closet, it’s time to think about tidying your workspace. But we don’t just mean tossing the pile of old documents under your desk or finally abiding by your organization’s file naming rules (#2019goals). We mean “spring cleaning” your work processes to help you and your team work more efficiently and with a shared vision. 

  4. April: April Fools Edition: Some Common Organizational Myths

    In the spirit of April Fools Day, we wrote this month’s blog post on a few of the organizational misperceptions or myths we’ve heard throughout the past year.

  5. May: Restructures Don’t Have to be Scary: Essential Elements for Leaders

    As a leader you may find it important or even necessary to change how your nonprofit or corporation operates. This might be to adjust to changing priorities, for organizational growth, or sometimes to reduce costs. A restructure is a big deal for organizations, and leaders want to be sure they get it right. Here we outlined a few essential elements you can incorporate into your process to find the right structure, facilitate the change, and begin to reap the benefits of the new operations.

  6. June: When Evidence-Based Can be a Constraint: Balancing Evidence, Innovation, and Promising Practices

    One of the things we are passionate about at C1C is helping organizations make evidence-based decisions—so passionate, in fact, that it is part of our mission statement. While we are committed to evidence-based practices, we also recognize that evidence-based is not the be-all end-all. This may sound like blasphemy coming from an organization that prides itself on evidence-based solutions, but don’t go writing us off just yet!

  7. July: 4 Key Ingredients for Effective Meetings

    Meetings are an important part of the work week for many, but they often get a bad reputation. Meeting frustrations are commonly related to perceptions that meetings aren’t productive, they run long or start late, nothing happens afterward, and not all voices are heard. Oftentimes these frustrations are warranted, but the good news is that they can be addressed. Below I provide four key ingredients to help you get the most out of your meetings!

  8. August: Four Important Reasons to Standardize Job Titles

    For a variety of reasons, job titles may be inconsistent across an organization or fail to accurately reflect what it is that someone in a given position does. This often results in people with different job titles who are performing nearly identical tasks, and it can lead to perceptions of unfairness or real inequities (e.g., compensation) among people who are really performing the same job. Here are four important reasons why you should strive to standardize job titles in your organization.

  9. September: Three Elements of Purposeful Strategic Planning

    “Ready for your next strategic planning session?” Some might cheer with anticipation, but many others might groan in frustration at the idea of strategic planning. No matter where you fall, strategic planning can be incredibly valuable to build consensus among stakeholders and to guide an organization into the future. At C1C, we focus our approach to strategic planning on how to find the best possible goals to strive for and indicators to measure success. We’ve listed three tips below to help organizations go through this planning process “strategically.”

  10. October: Can you demonstrate the economic value of your initiative

    You’ve done it all - evaluated the environment, identified goals, developed a measurement framework, and tracked outcomes. You’ve successfully demonstrated the success of your initiative. Is this enough to demonstrate economic value?

  11. November: Employee Engagement: Why Does it Matter?

    Are your teams feeling that fourth quarter sluggishness? Are you competing for your team’s cognitive and motivational attention? Some employees will find it hard to be engaged regardless of the time of year. But the end of the year is especially stacked with distractions – weather changes, holidays, and time off. If you are not keeping a pulse on the engagement of your teams, you may be at risk of losing your top talent.

  12. December: Organizational Reflections: What C1C is Most Thankful for This Year

This is the perfect time of year to reflect back on the things we are most thankful for – both in our personal and professional lives. It can also be a great time of year for organizations to reflect back and identify the things that are working well at their organizations versus the things that might need some improvement as they move into the next year. Here, we provide the things members of C1C are most thankful this year.

We hope our 2019 posts help your organization in the new year! If you’d like additional support regarding any of the topics above (or anything workplace related), feel free to reach out!


Keeping the Love Strong: Four Reasons to Conduct Stay Interviews


Organizational Reflections: What C1C is Most Thankful for This Year