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Three Elements of Purposeful Strategic Planning
Some might cheer with anticipation, but many others might groan in frustration at the idea of strategic planning. On one hand, it’s incredibly valuable to have a vision for the organization’s future and to see how everyone can contribute.
Four Important Reasons to Standardize Job Titles
Whatever the reason, decisions or policies that lead to inconsistent or non-descript job titles almost never have the effects that were intended.
Four Key Ingredients for Effective Meetings
Meetings are an important part of the work week for many, but they often get a bad reputation. Meeting frustrations are commonly related to perceptions that meetings aren’t productive.
When Evidence-Based Can be a Constraint: Balancing Evidence, Innovation, and Promising Practices
One of the things we are passionate about at C1C is helping organizations make evidence-based decisions—so passionate, in fact, that it is part of our mission statement.